Announcement for the demonstration on the 4th of June 2017 that took place near the hydroelectric dam of Mesochora village.


On the 4th of June 2017 a nationwide demonstration took place near the hydroelectric dam of Mesochora village (Trikala, Greece), with the participation of many villagers as well as of some political collectives and social strugglers from various regions of the country.

As the Autonomous Meeting for Struggle, we participated too with our own political terms and characteristics, and the following slogan: “The State and Capitalism are plundering the land – Against “green development”, against the dams, against river’s diversion, Acheloos will win”.

We demonstrated against the exploitation of the natural world and human societies by the State and Capital, against the anti-social plans of the authorities, and we gave a message of solidarity with social struggles for the protection of nature and life itself.

Against the false expectations that some mediators and manipulators of social struggles are attempting to cultivate, we support social self-organization, radical and from bellow resistance and solidarity as the only realistic prospect for those who fight with dignity against the pillage of nature and society.

*This August, as we do every year, we, the Autonomous Meeting for Struggle, will have our camping in Mesochora village, 8/9 to 8/14 , by the riverside. There will be a demonstration on Sunday 13.

Autonomous Struggle Meeting