Ιn Tempi, Perama, Pylos, hospitals and police blockades state & bosses murder the poor


Ιn Tempi, Perama, Pylos, hospitals and police blockades
refugees, migrants, workers, youth, Roma

On June 14, a fishing boat carrying more than 700 refugees and migrants sank off the coast of Pylos in order to cross from Libya to Italy. 104 people survived the shipwreck while 80 were recovered dead. The huge number of missing persons combined with the dead migrants reveals the extent of the criminal management of the incident by the Greek state. Given that the Greek authorities had been notified several hours before about the danger of the boat’s occupants and the fact that testimonies of refugees and migrants who survived the shipwreck indicate that the coast guard tried to tow the boat away from national waters. As a result, it sank and the majority of those on board did not have time to get out of the lower levels of the boat, like many mothers with their children. The anti-immigrant and murderous policy of the Greek state and fortress Europe is not detached from the murder of migrants off the coast of Pylos. From the signing of the agreement for the extension of the fence in Evros by 35km, in order to “upgrade” further the shielding of the external borders of Greece and by extension of Europe, the illegal pushbacks in the Aegean and the daily drowning of people, the concentration camps for refugees and migrants, where people are stacked and imprisoned in appalling conditions without any freedom, to the police pogroms against them in the cities,  refugees and migrants are confronted with the criminal policy of the Greek state, which aims to prevent entry into the country, naturally taking the choice of killing people seeking a better future than that of war, poverty and nonfreedom. A situation in which thousands are displaced, due to the wars waged by the planetary masters in their countries, for the exploitation of natural resources and the expansion of their sphere of influence. After all, condemning millions of people to misery, poverty, disease and uprooting is the precondition for ensuring the over-accumulation of wealth in the hands of global economic elites.

On May 29, in the shipbuilding zone of Perama, during works for the replacement of a propeller on the ship Asterion, the scaffolding from which the works were carried out gives way, crushing three workers, with one of them being led to death and two others being seriously injured. This particular labor murder comes in addition to a series of work “accidents” in this sector, with the most recent injury of workers at the shipyard of Syros, the labor murder of a 37-year-old construction worker in Santorini when the railing of the balcony on which he was resting gave way, and a 45-year-old worker in Lavrio during ship inspection work and while he had dived to clean reefs. The dozens of labor murders, which in the first four months of 2023 alone amount to 57, are the result of the anti-worker and antisocial restructurings of the Greek state, with the recent adoption of the Hatzidakis bill, which lead to the escalation of employer terrorism and unaccountability. The complete lack of the necessary safety measures, the intensification of work, the absence of elementary controls on working conditions, black and uninsured work, the abolition of the labour inspectorate, the criminalization of trade union activity, the attack on strike, the liberalization of redundancies, the abolition of the 8-hour day and the threat of unemployment are the conditions where the state and bosses have formed to impose even harsher conditions of exploitation on the plebeians.

The exploited and oppressed continue to pay with their blood for the maintenance and reproduction of the barbaric exploitative oppressive system that oppresses, murders and impoverishes. This is demonstrated by the dozens of murders of workers in the sweatshops of modern slavery. This is clearly proven by the thousands of dead due to the criminal management of the pandemic, the dozens of victims of state capitalist crime in Tempi, the murdered Roma by the uniformed bastards of ELAS, the murders of migrants and refugees at the water and land borders of Fortress Europe.

For the perpetuation of the power and profits of the economic and political bosses passes through the intensification of the exploitation of the poor and plebeians, the plundering of our lives and the silencing and repression of all those who refuse to accept this barbarity as the only prospect. The barbarity where refugees and migrants will either drown by the hundreds, or be imprisoned in modern concentration camps, or find themselves chased by cops and fascists in the cities, impoverished and excluded from decent living conditions. The barbarity where dozens of people will be murdered on trains because of state murderous policies with the total lack of control and maintenance of networks and communication between trains, or die on wagons or in their homes waiting for hours for an ambulance to go to a hospital. The barbarism where dozens of workers will never return from work because their lives are measured by the bosses and in their calculations it costs less than the maintenance of a scaffolding. In the world of the state and the bosses we are all foreigners.

We have no illusions that there is a way to beautify and humanize the state and capitalist system. The defence of workers’ interests, needs, life and dignity passes through joint, horizontally coordinated, grassroots organize. The history of social and class movements that fought for a world without exploitation and oppression shows us that social solidarity between oppressed foreigners or locals is our weapon against our common oppressors. What is to be gained will be the result of our broad, grassroots-organized, militant and radical struggles. The only real dilemma of our time is: state and capitalist barbarism or Social Revolution. And we as Anarchists choose the path of the Social Revolution as the only realistic prospect for a life with dignity, for a society built on the basis of equality, solidarity, justice and freedom.

Tear down modern apartheid fortress Europe, concentration camps and fences



Health – Education – Food – Housing


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