Political Invitation to the Founding Conference of A.P.O.


Two and a half years after the presentation of the pan-hellenic invitation for the prospect of creating an Anarchist Political Organization by four anarchist groups in Athens (“Kiklos tis Fotias”, “Steki Antipnia”, “Kathodon”, “Anarhiki gia tin Kinoniki Apeleftherosi”), the processes of the pre-conference dialogue have been completed.

The initial invitation was cloaked by other anarchist groups that responded to it and they were committed to a certain political context, as it was depicted in seven basic points. The acceptance of those points was the main condition for participating in the process of equal contribution that was followed:

A. The invitation is addressed to anarchistic political groups (and not to individuals) that operate in libertarian processes, have a complete view on issues of exploitation and oppression, set social revolution as their imperative and rail against the state and the capital.

B. It is addressed to anarchist groups that understand the class dimension of the struggle and exclude from their processes those who derive a financial goodwill in materialistic terms.

C. The anarchist political organization should be structured on common political views and on as cohesive as possible agreements, in order to be able to plan long-term fight strategies.

D. The anarchist political organization should intervene in continuation and consistency at the central political scene.

E. The anarchist political organization should be directed towards the development of a liberated and organized social and class movement, with which an organized, anarchistic movement will interact.

F. The anarchist political organization should structure views in order to be able to create an anarchist program that will constitute a connecting link between the daily struggle and the final vision of anarchy and communism.

G. The proposal for an anarchist political organization does not aim at the decline of the groups’ autonomy and it does not promote the thought for self-dissolution in a massive-kind organization. On the contrary, each anarchist group should be a living cell of the anarchist organization.

During this period, most of the groups that participated in the pan-hellenic processes, presented on paper their assignments about the principles, the (political) views, the aims (tactical and strategic) and the way of function of the organizational attempt. Based on this political context, eight pan-hellenic meetings were held, that aimed at the recording of an initial context of agreements and the determination of a methodology through which there would be shaped a political scope, as cohesive as possible, in order for the Anarchist Political Organization to be structured on it. They also aimed at the specification of the process that would follow the pre-conference dialogue and would lead to the founding conference.

Through an unprecedented experience of fermentation and interaction between anarchist groups in a pan-hellenic level , the benefits were many: we obtained knowledge about the political views and the targeting of each group, about the experiences gained through participation in social and class struggles, about the perspectives that are given to these struggles ad about the direction that the anarchist political struggle should have, while minding the social revolution. Our agreements became stronger, our disputes were made concrete and also, important deviations from the initial binding context of the seven points were indicated. During this long time of fermentations, configurations but also disagreements, the participation – or not- of each group in the process was evaluated and determined as well as the possibility of their co-existence in a common organizational attempt.

The collective, compositional product of all these processes constitutes the political heritage and the wealth of this journey. Considering it as the minimum political basis on which the A.P.O. can be developed, we present it as the organizational document for validation in the founding conference. This document reflects the maximum possibility of convergence at a level of principles/political views/aims/organizational structure between all the anarchistic groups that participated in this organizational attempt and at the same time, it is consistent in the initial political context of the seven points, that was set as our collective compass.

Nowadays, in a period of total systemic crisis, the state and the capital are in a continuous process of restructuring and they have intensified their attack towards the society by forcing more and more heavy terms of exploitation and oppression: with the impoverishment and beggary of a big part of the society and their exclusion from the basic public goods, with the destruction and the pillage of nature in the name of development, with the upgrade of the role of oppressive forces and of the control and supervision mechanisms, with the attempt to silence every voice that resists, the brutal repression and the terrorization of people that fight, the strategic defamation and the concealment of the struggles and the try to isolate all those who built walls against the dominant structures. With the coercive migration and the thousands of assassination of immigrants and refugees in the borderlines and in the heartland of the west metropoles, the executions committed by police forces in cold blood and the assassinations of workers in labour camps that have been baptized “accidents”.

In a universal level, emerges the purpose of the sovereignty to impose a modern totalitarianism for the complete submission of the repressed. It is more than obvious that, what lies ahead is the anti-social attack of a bankrupted political and economic system, which does not only confront a severe economic crisis –one that constitutes its very structural nature- but a system that lies in decay. Against it, the repressed form their resistances, that we aim to make them a whole. Contrary to the dead-end practices of delegation, we need to set in social and realistic terms the collective vision of a world of equality, solidarity, freedom.

In this context, the necessity of organization of the anarchist political struggle through the improvement of its structures and processes continues to be extremely current and crucial. The non-formalist model was for many years the basic way of organization for a big majority of anarchists. Chosen within a completely different social and political context, we fell that its organizational proposal is inadequate, especially when we take into consideration the daily circumstances. The occasional collaboration between the anarchist groups and individual comrades, the spontaneity, the combativeness and the determination are elements that were dominant in the greek anarchistic movement. On the one hand, these elements contributed in the construction of a living and diverse political “space” that produced great events and gave vigorous responses to the governmental and capitalistic system. On the other hand, their very specific limitations have been made completely clear. The delinquency, the lack of commitment, the abstention by processes and the function of the movement, many times, in social terms of a “group” and not on a basis of political judgments, constitute a political “space” that has limits in its contribution to the social and class struggle and a movement that does not have the possibility to overcome the boundaries of fragmentation and denouncement, of aberration and riot attitudes. It is our aim to get over those practices in order to be able to plan a long-term strategy. We want the imperatives of the anarchist struggle to obtain a much deeper permission, to create consciousness to people, to create the terms necessary and be able to make to society the proposal for the revolutionary subversion of the state and the capital.

The necessity to define the basic directions of the struggle that will serve not only al long term aims, but also as short-term ones constitutes the ground on which we are summoned to give our organizational responses. That is the reason why we set as our strategic choice the target to work on the creation of the Anarchist Political Organization that will constitute the vehicle of struggle in our continuous fights of social and class war. The continuous fermentation and communication within an organization will aid to the co-ordination and the possibility of organizing mass movements, in the enforcement of solidarity, in the policy-making of a common strategy in social and class struggles, in the continuous and consistent intervention in the socio-political space, not only on a pan-hellenic, but also on a local level and in the creation of a new political proposal, one that will contain the vision of social organization of people in an anti-authoritarian society.

We aim at the creation of an Anarchist Political Organization that will have federal nature, the groups will constitute its cell and they will co-operate in horizontal structures. An organization that that will be structured on cohesive and sufficient political agreements between anarchist groups, which will equally shape their united political strategy in a pan-hellenic level, through collective instruments that, will co-exist alike. An Anarchist Political Organization that will be able to contribute to the creation of a well-organized radical movement, one which will block every attempt of manipulation, exploitation and mediation of social and class struggles and in attempts of absorption by reformism. An organization that will define the issue of social revolution as the only realistic escape for the repressed ones to emancipate themselves from the dominant state and that will connect the partial struggles with the total revolutionary imperative for the subversion of the state and the capital.

We invite the anarchist groups that understand the necessity of participating in an anarchist political organization with common aims and political context, in the conference that will be held in Athens, in 7 & 8 November. We fight for: a deeper diffusion of the anarchist collective vision for the passage to a society of justice, equality, freedom and solidarity, for the contribution of the anarchistic political struggle in the social and class emancipation, for the social revolution and for the construction of a bridge between the daily struggles and the vision of anarchy and communism.



group for social anarchism “ Mauro & Kokkino” (Thessaloniki)

anarchist group “Disinios Ippos” (Patra)

anarchist group “Dinamitera” (Patra)

anarchist group “Kiklos tis Fotias” (Athens)

anarchist group “Omikron 72” (Athens)