Common calling of Anarchist and Antifascist Balkan Organizations to the internationalist – antifascist demonstration in solidarity with Libertatia squat


Common calling of Anarchist and Antifascist Balkan Organizations to the internationalist – antifascist demonstration in solidarity with Libertatia squat | 10 March Thessaloniki

Internationalist solidarity to sweep war, nationalism and fascism by expressing solidarity with libertatia squat which was burned on 21/1 by a fascist group during the gathering for the macedonia issue. Walking the way that was opened by the antifascist, anti-nationalist meeting in kamara which put a barrier to the advance of nationalism and fascism we call at 10/3 in the Thessaloniki in the balkan-internationalist day of solidarity with libertatia.

Pro-meeting, libertatia squat 11.00
Meeting, Kamara 12.00 ‘

Anarchist Political Organization | Federation of Collectives (Greece) 
Antifa Sofia (Bulgaria) 
Social Centre “Dunja” (Republic of Macedonia) 
Solidarnost (Republic of Macedonia) 
Federation for Anarchist Organizing (Slovenia)