Anouncement by A.P.O. on the repressive operations against squated spaces in Thessaloniki


Anouncement by A.P.O. on the repressive operations against squated spaces of solidarity to refugees and immigrants in Thessaloniki

In the crack of dawn on 27th of July, strong police forces carried out a coordinated eviction operation of 3 squated buildings in Thessaloniki, these are migrants’ housing squat “Orfanotrofio”, new migrants’ housing squat “Huriya” on C. Dill str. and the housing squat on Nikis blvrd. The forces of repression arrested 83 people and 75 of them are accused with “social peace disturbance”. In between the arrested, there is one of our comrades, member of the Collective for Social Anarchism “Mavro & Kokkino” (“Black & Red”). The operation of repression was continued with the demolition of the space of “Orfanotrofio”.

This is a large scale repressive operation with double political aim. On one hand it is incorporated in the planning of victimizing , socially isolating and confining the refugees and immigrants in detention centers – concentration camps and on the other hand it serves the state’s steady pursuits of repression against the cells of social and class resistance, against the “territories of strugle” with the aim to seamlessly impose conditions of impoverishment and submission. The territorializing of the political contents of self-organizing and solidarity with the refugees and the immigrants is the material proof that the social and class self-organization is capable of offering space and help to the oppressed to break out of their isolation. This constitutes a constant danger for the managers of state and capitalistic barbarianism.

Today’s repressive operation is the continuity of a long series of equivalents against the “non-certified” solidaries, against those who struggle to overthrow the conditions which lead to impoverishment and death and are not a part of the efforts to beautify the image of the regime. It is also the continuity of dozens repressive operations against squatted spaces and structures of the anarchist-antiauthoritarian movement. This is an attempt to break and dissolve social and class struggle, to victimize and limit the anarchist-antiauthoritarian movement. The attacks of the riot police and the neo-nazis alterate for years as the regime unleashes its lackeys, recognizing the danger that collective moves of resistance, the organizing of social life without state intervention and the socialization the anarchist-antiathoritarian projections represent to it.

Politically responsible for today’s repressive operations have acted for years as bloodsucking leeches on the back of the movement in order to rise in power positions, having tried to produce political surplus value both from the squats and the struggle of solidarity to refugees and immigrants. Syriza constitutes, also in this field, the basic deliverer of state and capitalistic aims against society. On one side it has paralyzed the social and class movement through the dealing of hope and on the other side it has started attacking it without any prefaces, slandering it by using the system’s praetorians. Given its generalized debasement and the constant loss of social consent after the imposing of new harsh terms of social pillaging, the rags of the reformist left have no other choice but to victimise, slunder and repress the cells of social, class and political resistance in order to proceed their work unhindered, that is worsening the conditions of impoverishment and submission.

A few days after the end of a series of struggling mobilizations of solidarity to refugees and immigrants in Thessaloniki and northern Greece during the No Border Camp and the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle, the riot police operation gets the additional character of state revanchism against the growth of solidarity and it is proceeded after the constant propaganda of the media and the rectoral authorities of the university who paved the road for the equivalent repressive moves and works as an “answer” to the unfolding of the movement’s actions (discussions, workshops, demonstrations) which could not be striked directly during the ten days of the camp, 15-24 of June. During these mobilizations, the refugees and the immigrants went massively on the streets on the demonstration of 22nd July in Thessaloniki breaking the political and social isolation that is attempted to be imposed on them and emphasising the pespective of common struggles of locals and migrants. This dynamic is faced with the direct manifestation of state aggresiveness, which was expressed through today’s operation.

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

Against the repressive arrangements, resistance cannot fold and retreat. Our comrades, who occupied Syriza’s offices in Thessaloniki, have already delivered the message of the continuation of the struggle, the message of solidarity which can and does disrupts the disperse of fear and defeatism. Against the state gangs and oppression we counter with the tenacity of struggle, the collectivization and comradeship. The slowly dying bankrupt system, which has nothing to offer but fear and impoverishment, we resist with organizing the struggle for Social Revolution, for Anarchy and Libertarian Communism.



Anarchist Political Organization

-Federation of Collectives-

27 of july 2016 |