International solidarity messages about the 8th of March


We are the women, we are the ones who are ingored, humiliated, deferred because of being women since the birth till the death, whereever we are. We have to solidarite as women against the patriarchy!

We are the ones who are exposed to the harassment, rapes, violence of men from every class and every culture. We are the ones whose lives are stolen by being slaughtered. We have to be organised to live!

We are the ones who are repressed during the “state of emergency” in our geography by the conservative policies of the state. We are the ones who are taken into custody, tortured and capted. We have to resist in every circumstances. 

We have to struggle against repression, attacks and massacres! We have to go in the streets and try to create the liberty!

We have to create the liberty with our own will, with our own strength, with our self-organisations. We have to be in the streets in this 8 March in whole over the world. We have to shout slogan as “Long live the solidarity of the women”.

Long live 8 March, Long live Freedom! 

Anarşist Kadınlar


 “Patriarchy is one of the foundations of the world of power and a basic element of its social reproduction. Its modern expressions -like the outbreak of gender violence and the exploitation in the workplace, the human trafficking of women immigrants, the tougher conditions that women refugees face in their uprooting journey and their confinement in concentration camps- are intensified as the attack of the dominants against the social body and the effort to fascistize society are intensified.

As women, besides the exploitation and oppression imposed on all people from below, we are also facing gender segregation, as an additional form of oppression entailed from the dominant system. In these conditions, women’s struggle for their liberation from the shackles of patriarchy is an integral part of the wider struggle for the abolition of state and capitalist imposition.

As anarchists, we believe that the liberation of the oppressed will be achieved by themselves and not by an enlightened vanguard acting on their behalf. We are well aware that freedom can be neither granted nor gifted but defined and conquered through the struggles.

The convenient for the dominion myths, that distort the cause of women’s emancipation by presenting it as a claim for “equal” distribution of authority, hide the history of bloody pugnacious women struggles, from the strikes led by immigrant women workers in the sewing factories in the USA in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, in which the 8th of March is rooted, to Mujeres Libres, engraving a route to this day.

We salute the struggles of women: from Chiapas to Rojava and from Turkey to the USA. As anarchists, we stand alongside their words and actions, which come together in a raised fist and a glance of solidarity, strengthening our determination to destroy every form of oppression from one human being to the other, to build a world of equality, solidarity and freedom.

Group against patriarchy

Anarchist Political Organization (APO)  – Federation of Collectives ”