About political prisoner’s Dimitris Koufodinas hunger strike and the wider social and class struggles...

On the 8th of January, militant D. Koufodinas begins a hunger strike, in resistance to the state totalitarianism that that revengefully attempts to impose a special regime against him and against all those who...

Ιn Tempi, Perama, Pylos, hospitals and police blockades state & bosses murder the poor

Ιn Tempi, Perama, Pylos, hospitals and police blockades STATE AND BOSSES MURDER THE POOR refugees, migrants, workers, youth, Roma On June 14, a fishing boat carrying more than 700 refugees and migrants sank off the coast of...

Report from anti-war actions and mobilizations of the Anarchist Political Organization in Athens and...

The savage attack that societies are currently experiencing, in conditions of deep and comprehensive systemic crisis and the delegalization of the political system worldwide, escalates and emerges both the irremediable contradictions of the...

About Anti-Lukovmarch in Sofia

The fascist parade in honor of Fascist General Lukov has been going on for about 15 years in Sofia. In recent years, an initiative by anarchists and anti-fascists, spearheaded by the Antifa Sofia assembly,...

Zapatistas are travelling to Europe • Internationalist Solidarity will win!

From the indigenous communities of Chiapas which since the Zapatista revolt on the 1st of January 1994, have been building their autonomy, sending to the people from below worldwide the message of resistance against the...


Libre Flot has been held in the French prisons for 15 months, in an isolation regime, that aims at the calumniation of the struggles he has given and his political and physical extermination. The...

[gr, eng] Παύση κάθε δίωξης του αναρχικού Libre Flot

ΠΑΥΣΗ ΚΑΘΕ ΔΙΩΞΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΚΟΥ LIBRE FLOT Στις 3 Οκτώβρη ξεκινά η δίκη του αναρχικού αγωνιστή Libre Flot, βάσει ενός στημένου κατηγορητηρίου, που στόχο έχει την κατασυκοφάντηση των αγώνων που έδωσε, την πολιτική του εξόντωση...

Αntiwar protest outside the Greek parliament (Athens) by Group against Patriarchy – Anarchist Political...

Today 28/02/2022 as anarchist women we held a protest outside the Greek Parliament in Athens, opposing the war and the atrocities it inflicts on people: fear, death, forced migration, repression of resistance. We stand...