Neither with prisons, nor with laws, fascism can be smashed only in the streets


Neither with prisons, nor with laws, fascism can be smashed only in the streets.[1]


On September 18th, 2013 the paramilitary squad of golden dawn proceeds to a murderous attack in Keratsini (Athens), resulting to the assassination of the antifascist Pavlos Fyssas, after being stabbed to the heart by the member of golden dawn, G. Roupakias. This was another one of the numerous murderous attacks the paramilitary gang of golden dawn made against anarchists, leftists, syndicalists, refugees and migrants, squats and self-organized and occupied spaces. Following the State’s policies and the medias dictations and protecting the Capital’s interests, the fascists always strike against the most violently exploited parts of society, against the revolutionary movements that are explicitly targeted by State’s repression.

Seven years after Pavlos Fyssas’ assassination, the GD trial is coming to its end on October 7th, with most of the accused fascists being free to walk around all these years. The main objective of this trial is to wash off the nazi-gang and the State, who is the main orchestrator and instigator of all the fascist-paramilitary attacks, by using these groups as a reserve for terrorizing the society and repressing the social and class-resistance. In this direction the attorney’s proposal (A. Oikonomou) attempts to distinguish the fascist attacks as separate cases, as also to disconnect them from whole GD-organization. As a matter of fact she (the attorney) does not recognize the criminal and paramilitary nature of GD, which leads to its murderous actions, and paves the way for light accusations to the GD-leadership.

In all these seven years, both the paramilitary neonazi actions in the streets, as also the “institutional antifascism”, that the state attempted to promote as the only guarantor to the “democratic normality”, in order to establish the theory of the two extremes and to washing off the nazi’s actions, found against them the courageous, decisive and permanent antifascist action. The numerous massive antifascist mobilisations, formed the real barrier against fascists’ rise and their attacks and led to their retreat from the public sphere. From the antifascist manifestations in commemoration of P. Fyssas and S. Luqman death, the dynamic demonstrations during the GD trials, the central antifascist mobilizations and the everyday struggles in the neighborhoods, to the barricades of internationalist solidarity against nationalism, intolerance and war.

Seven years after Fyssas death, we are facing the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic and the intensification of State’s and Capital’s attack to the society. The beginning of a new round of pillage of the social base, with main points: labor’s devaluation, the abolition of social insurance, the continuation of privatisations, as also the restructuring of educational system and the criminalisation of syndicalist action. From the normalization of the state emergency through the repression of social and class movements and especially the anarchists/antiauthoritarians, the evictions of squats, the police occupations of entire areas, to the banning of demonstrations and the generalized upgrading of the legislative arsenal against the people of the struggle. From the expansion of war against refugees and migrants and their attempts that aim to their demonization and their extinction from the public space, their incarceration into concentration camps, to the looting of nature, through the activation of capitalist engines of development that destroy local communities, mountains, rivers, lakes, seas and forests, in the name of profit and of their total imposition over humans and nature.

State’s repression constitutes today the dominant component of State’s policy. This declaration of war against all of those who are struggling, is a part of the systematical attempt of the Greek State to subdue social and class resistances and impose a complete submission for society that goes on for decades. An attempt that was blocked by the massive mobilisations, revolts and struggles over the last years.

With solidarity as our weapon, let’s continue the counter-attack against state and capitalist brutality. Let’s revitalize social and class resistance. The only real answer against war, nationalism and fascism born and raised by the state and capital, is the organisation of the social and class counter-attack. Without any illusions that the exploitation and repression system can improve, without any illusions that any government can raise a real barrier against fascism, let’s fight together from below, with internationalist and class solidarity as our weapon. Let’s struggle together, locals and migrants, workers and students, for the construction of a society of equality, justice, solidarity and freedom.


We do not forget Pavlos Fyssas assassination on September 18, 2013 at Keratsini. We do not forget the assassinations of S. Luqman, Al. Grigoropoulos, Zak Kostopoulos and P.  Zifle

We do not forget the numerous murderous attacks against refugees and migrants, against squats, self-organized spaces and anarchists, leftists and antifascists.

We call for an Anti-state – Antifascist – Anti-repression demonstration on Wednesday 7th of October, day of the final judgment on the GD trial at the Court of Appeal in Athens at 10 o’clock. 


Anarchist Political Organisation-Federation of Collectives

[1] The current text was written before the Golden Dawn’s trial on 8th of October 2020.