Political Call in support of the Antifascist-Internationalist Demonstration against the Lukovmarch


Political Call in support of the Antifascist-Internationalist Demonstration against the Lukovmarch

Saturday, February 16th, 2019 | Sofia – Bulgaria

At a global level, the state and capitalist machine attempts to intensify inequalities, repression and exploitation. Aiming to increase power and control, modern totalitarianism does not hesitate to form war conflicts in the periphery, while it proceeds with its attack against the plebeians in the West. Within this spiral of cultivated insecurity, the racist and intolerance narratives of fascist groups, as an inextricable component of the authoritarian bloc, are finding ground to develop. 

At the same time, against the international antisocial alliance of the global elites and their projected war societies, the infinite liberating possibilities of the struggles that erupt all over the world are emerging. From Rojava to Chiapas, from the favelas in Brazil to the antifascist blockades in Western Europe and the Balkans, the cause of Social Revolution is still alive, placing barricades to the attack of the state and the bosses and forming the conditions for the social and class counter-attack. 

This social and class counter-attack frightens the dominants so much as to bring forward the darkest force of human history, in order to suppress it. Due to the generalized crisis of the state-capitalist system, their ability to extract social legitimization for their plans has reached its limits. This is the reason why the far-right and fascist reserves of the dominants – the counter-revolutionary bloc –  are dragged up from the system’s arsenal and are taking action internationally, in order to pave the way for the strategic plans of the Authority. From Bolsonaro’s Brazil, to Visegrád’s Fortress-Europe, to the far-right shift in Italy and France, to Balkan nationalisms, and Erdogan’s Turkey, fascism is the system’s response to its profound and total crisis, to its own contradictions. Contradictions that are caused by the incurable conflict imposed by its basic principle, the exploitation and repression of one human being against the other. These elements, along with war and the threat of its generalization, are forming the iron fence of authority, which is spreading globally.

In Greece, through the reopening of the “Macedonian question” on NATO’s orders, the current “left-wing” political administration has been the most efficient promoter of the agenda of the bourgeoisie and the international institutions while, at the same time, a growing audience is amassed around nationalism. The fascist groups coordinate with the most conservative parts of the national core (paramilitary groups, religious organizations, far-right parties, parastatal mechanisms), constituting the counter-revolutionary and fascist reserves of the state and the dominant class. They are forming a climate that disorients the exploited away from their real social problems, spreading intolerance and bringing together the most reactionary social reflexes.

The role of fascists is, everywhere in the world, the same: doing the dirty work in the best service of the powerful, cultivating hatred towards the poor of other areas, misleading and preparing the plebeians for a new mass human slaughter in a future war conflict.


Every year, in Sofia Bulgaria, a fascist parade is taking place, in honor of the fascist general Hristo Lukov, who was executed by the partisan Violeta Yakova in February 13th, 1943. The parade is organized a number of fascist parties and organizations, as the Bulgarian National Union etc. The parade is considered to be an important event of fascists in Bulgaria and, every year, representatives of neo-Nazi parties and organizations from several European countries (Germany, Spain, Italy, Sweden etc.) are also attending.

From our viewpoint, as anarchists, the resistance against the attack of totalitarianism and fascism must have a real internationalist character. It is impossible to fight against global capitalism and fascism just in Greece. It is vital to develop contact and solidarity with comrades in neighboring countries, and also, at a wider international level.

During the last two years, the Anarchist Political Organization has been supporting the antifascist demonstration which is organized in Sofia. Many comrades from Greece found themselves in the Bulgarian capital to demonstrate against fascism and support the comrades there, who, over the last years, have been trying to set barricades against the constant promotion of fascism, to create structures and fronts of resistance against the attack of the state, the fascists and mafias.

The social movement in Bulgaria, after being dissolved under the heel of the socialist state, had to face, immediately after the collapse of 1991, the nationalist and fascist groups which reemerged. Today, the support of the antifascist movement in Bulgaria has vital importance in standing against the fascist threat, so that the social and class resistance against the nationalist rhetoric and capitalist directives could blossom. Therefore, the Anarchist Political Organization is again this year calling collectives and comrades to the demonstration of February 16th in Sofia, Bulgaria.

For the empowerment of our common internationalist struggles.

For the Balkans of Equality, Solidarity and Mutual Respect.

For Social Revolution, for Anarchy and Libertarian Communism



apo.squathost.com | anpolorg@gmail.com