The case of the diversion of Acheloos riverand the operation of the hydroelectric dam in Mesochora village (Greece)


The operation of the hydroelectric dam in Mesochora village (Greece) and the hydroelectric factory will be responsible for the destruction of Acheloos river, while the diversion of the river will cause major disasters for both natures and the human communities around there, as large areas will sink into mud, biotopes will disappear and homes will be evacuated from PPC so the dam and the factory can be put into operation.

Following the policy of previous governments, the “left” government of SYRIZA continues to promote the interests of private companies, giving the green light to the operation of the dam. There is a plan on privatization of the social resources (as the water) and their exploitation by large companies, and the dam of Acheloos is a part of it, as the state continuing wastes huge amounts of social wealth for the construction and the maintenance of dams and factories that have devastating effects on the environment and society and which will be given to individuals for their own profit.

The case of the diversion of Acheloos is very important for the state, which provides ongoing founding for that and has announced the immediate operation of the dam. We should not forget that the political party of SYRIZA (that now is the government) was the one that for years claimed it was opposed to the construction of hydroelectric dams. It’s members participated in mobilizations against the dam and the diversion, aiming at the absorption and finally the ending of social struggles, while at the same time they  used their emblem through those struggles to rise to power. It’s the same party that now, as government, promotes “green energy” projects and the operation of dams and mines devastating for nature and profitable for capitalists.

We, as the Autonomous Struggle Meeting, support the social struggles and the rise of the local communities that fight for the protection of both the natural world and their homes and regions. We fight for the sharpening, the radicalization and the broading of the social struggle from below, and we stand in solidarity with all struggling collectively against the pillage of nature.

Autonomous Struggle Meeting