Common statement of Anarchist Organisations from Greece and Turkey

COMMON STATEMENT OF APO (Anarchist Political Organization-Federation of Collectives) and DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action) AGAINST WAR, FASCISM AND RACISM SOLIDARITY WITH THE REFUGEES AND IMMIGRANTS War and fas...

Anouncement by A.P.O. on the repressive operations against squated spaces in Thessaloniki

Anouncement by A.P.O. on the repressive operations against squated spaces of solidarity to refugees and immigrants in Thessaloniki In the crack of dawn on 27th of July, strong police forces carried out a coordinated eviction...


NO OTHER WORLD IS FEASIBLE AS LONG AS THERE IS STATE AND CAPITALISM -Sharpening of poverty and misery.15 dead workers in the last few months in "accidents at work" (murders), under conditions of full intensification...

Facing a global health crisis: state and capitalism do not work, but solidarity does

Facing a global health crisis: state and capitalism do not work, but solidarity does The Relations Commission of the International of Anarchist Federations (IAF-IFA) is continuing to carry out its activities during the current global pandemic....

Let’s Tear Down the Modern Apartheid


The only “solution” the system has to give for its own deep and total crisis, for its own contradictions that result from its basic principle – the oppression and exploitation of one human being from another – is this:&...

Political statement of the 3rd Congress of the Anarchist Political Organization (A.P.O.)


The 3rd Congress of Anarchist Political Organization-Federation of Collectives took place on the 1st and 2nd of December at Mundo Nuevo squat in Thessaloniki. During the morning of the ...

Against the war, the state, capitalism, fascism & imperialism 

Against the war, the state, capitalism, fascism & imperialism  Who brings the people back to the slaughterhouse of war with mathematical precision, from where the countries and people, who were not lucky enough to be...

[gr, eng] Παύση κάθε δίωξης του αναρχικού Libre Flot

ΠΑΥΣΗ ΚΑΘΕ ΔΙΩΞΗΣ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΑΡΧΙΚΟΥ LIBRE FLOT Στις 3 Οκτώβρη ξεκινά η δίκη του αναρχικού αγωνιστή Libre Flot, βάσει ενός στημένου κατηγορητηρίου, που στόχο έχει την κατασυκοφάντηση των αγώνων που έδωσε, την πολιτική του εξόντωση...

LIBERTARIAN FESTIVAL of social, class and internationalist solidarity

LIBERTARIAN FESTIVAL of social, class and internationalist solidarity of Anarchist Political Organization – Federation of Collectives ATHENS 5-6-7 OF JULY 2018 Zografou University campus. Department of History and Philosophy of Sciences (entrance Oulof Palme) * There will be stands...