November 25: day of resistance and struggle | The fight against gender violence cannot...
November 25: day of resistance and struggle
The fight against gender violence cannot be quarantined!
This year’s November 25th, as a status-established day for the elimination of violence against women, finds us in the midst of...
Anarsist kadinlar & Group against Patriarchy (APO) – Solidarity messages to the women of...
Solidarity message to the women of the struggle on March 8th, Day of class memory, resistance and struggle
In Greece, since the summer, a widespread repressive campaign against the anarchist movement, the squats, the self-organized...
Salute at the second meeting of women who fight
Beloved comrades zapatistas women,
Beloved women fighting all over the world
At the first international women's meeting, in the revolted zapatist territory in March 2018, we made some promises. First, we promised to stay alive, which meant to k...
Photographs & Posters from the demonstrations by the 8th of March
Photographs & Posters from the demonstrations by the 8th of March in Athens, Patras and Thessaloniki | Group Against Patriarchy – Anarchist Political Organization (Greece)
8th of March – A Day of Class Memory, Resistance...
8th of March – A Day of Class Memory, Resistance and Struggle
8th of March – A Day of Class Memory, Resistance and Struggle
From the workers’ strikes of immigrant women and girls at the beginning of the 20th century in the US to today’s struggles
From the...
Short briefing on the participation of the Group Against Patriarchy-Anarchist Political Organizationfrom Greece ...
On Wednesday 8/3,we participated in the mobilizations related to the "International Women's day", in the cities of Athens, Thessaloniki and Patra. The convenient for the dominion myths, that distort the cause of women’s emancipation...
International solidarity messages about the 8th of March
We are the women, we are the ones who are ingored, humiliated, deferred because of being women since the birth till the death, whereever we are. We have to solidarite as women against the...